May 11, 2016

What is Cymraeg?

This week we are learning through travel! Is there a better way of learning a language than
actually living for a while in a foreign country? Nothing more enjoyable than learning words in their communicative contexts. However, before we hit the road we have to learn as much as possible about the places we want to visit. Let's take our learners to the four beautiful nations that make up together the United Kingdom!

By the way, do you know what Cymraeg is and where it is used? 

If not, you might like to read yourself about the customs and traditions of the four nations which include England, Scotland, Wales and the Northern Ireland. We all know at least something about the United Kingdom but it is always a good habit to learn some new facts that you can share with your students. Many interesting facts can be found here:

Why is England or the UK sometimes called Britain?

Let's start the lesson with a question about the four nations which form the United Kingdom. Ensure that the students are familiar with their names and can find them on the map. Provide them with the blank maps of the United Kingdom and ask them to complete them.

Then divide the students into four groups and ask them to check their knowledge about the UK and take UK quiz.
(downloaded from:

Don't provide them with the answers and ask how many answers they think they got right. Then make each group responsible for the questions concerning one nation and watch together a short clip "Four Nations" taken from British Council Learning English Teens website:


Ask the students to write down as much information as they can get from the clip about their nation. Then answer together the questions from the quiz. Award the group with the most correct answers with pluses.

Now, encourage the groups to search the Internet for more information about their nations. They don't have to write them down but they need to draw them in the form of a picture map such as the ones below:

Source: and

They can use the maps they were given in the beginning of the lesson. Each group has 20 minutes to draw pictures that should illustrate the landscape, different landmarks, famous people, tourist attractions and many more. They will have to explain to the group why they chose them and tell how they relate to their nation.

I hope this enjoyable lesson will make the students want to travel to the UK and explore its peculiarities by themselves!

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