1. An Olympic blog - reading
The very first post of the Sport's week focuses on reading as well as introduces some more common vocabulary to familiarize your studdents with.
2. Let's get the ball rolling! Let's talk sports!
This one is about teaching speaking and vocab. There are a few basic ideas of what you can ask your students and what words are necessary for them to feel more confident at this subject.
3. Vocabulary - sport This post is purely devoted to vocabulary. There you will find 5 exercises that will help your students develop some knowledge about more specific vocabulary in this context.
4. Narratives If you want to teach your students how to write, then this is what you should refer to!;))
5. COMPETITION - can you lose the game? Here, you will find actually a complete lesson aimed at developing speaking and listening.
6. Sporty idioms
Uhm... What can I say? Idioms, everyone!:)
Want to know what our next topic is going to be? I give you this: four letters, the first one is F (all those that have been their whole lives on a diet should aleady know :D)
See you next week then!
I can give another hint: it's the biggest pleasure of life :))))