April 18, 2016


Hello everyone! Today we will be launching our ‘Build Up Your English Superpower’ blog!

This blog is going to be topic-based where each consecutive week is going to feature different subject, yet all posts that you are about to see will mostly regard the methodology, strategies and useful exercises that can be utilized in EFL lessons.

This upcoming weekly blog session will be mainly focused on the topic of HEALTH.

On daily basis, our bloggers will be posting relevant ideas about useful exercises that you can employ in your EFL classroom. The idea behind this blog is to enable all the prospective and yet-to-be teachers to be more flexible in terms of variety of exercises and approaches in their everyday teaching as well as to breathe some new ideas into already experienced teachers. 

Feel free to leave a comment, we look forward to your ideas!

Have a nice day!


1 comment:

  1. Definitely looking forward to some new posts! The blog seems to be very interesting! Keep up the good work :)
